
Hi, firstName lastName!

Here's your safety manual...

Safety Manual - 13 Sections - English & Spanish
click below to download

Next Steps

Download the document files to your PC or Mac. You'll need to unzip the downloaded file. Read tips on how to unzip files from this Microsoft Support article.
Add your own company info, branding, and logo with your favorite document editor. Be sure to open our Read Me First document included in your order.
Save, print, email to your team, or post to your website... it's your safety manual!
Need to upgrade to the Power Pack? Click here to choose a different option.

Important Notes

1. Check your email inbox for the receipt for your purchase. If you don't see it check your spam folder. If you haven't gotten it within 15 minutes then let us know.

2. Add safety@weeklysafety.com to your contacts to make sure you won't miss any important communication, notices, or updates about your purchase.

Please feel free to email us anytime at safety@weeklysafety.com with your questions.

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