Overhead Power Lines

Overhead power lines at the job site are hazardous because they carry extremely high voltage. Fatal electrocution is the main risk but burns and falls from elevations are also hazards. Using tools and equipment that can contact the power lines increases the risk. This safety topic provides examples of equipment that can contact power lines, reviews a tragic power line incident, explores best practices all workers should know about, and covers the applicable OSHA standards.

Long Version - 6 pages

Long Version - 6 pages

Short Version - 2 pages

Short Version - 2 pages



Quiz and Answer Sheet

Quiz and Answer Sheet

Fast Version - 1 page

Fast Version - 1 page



Overhead Power Lines, Construction

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Standards or Regulations
Weeklysafety.com exclusive safety meeting topic for construction workers that provides examples of equipment that can contact overhead power lines, reviews a tragic overhead power line incident, explores best practices all workers should know about, and covers the applicable OSHA standards.