Falling Object Prevention

Falling objects, like tools, materials, or debris, can expose workers to minor injuries like cuts and abrasions, but can also cause more serious injuries like puncture wounds or concussions. This 1-page safety meeting topic, with two discussion questions, can be used to host a safety meeting or toolbox talk to review what to do when workers are exposed to falling objects and additional precautions that my help prevent falling object hazards at the work site.

Long Version - 6 pages

Long Version - 6 pages

Short Version - 2 pages

Short Version - 2 pages



Quiz and Answer Sheet

Quiz and Answer Sheet

Fast Version - 1 page

Fast Version - 1 page



Falling Object Prevention, Construction, Industry, Fast

Blank Sign-in Sheet

Resources & References

Standards or Regulations
Weeklysafety.com exclusive 1-page safety meeting topic that reviews what to do when workers are exposed to falling objects and additional precautions that my help prevent falling object hazards at the work site.