Hearing Protection A

According to OSHA, twenty-two million workers are exposed to potentially damaging noise at work each year. U.S. businesses pay more than $1.5 million in penalties annually for not protecting workers from noise, and hearing loss directly impacts the quality of life not only for those workers but also their families. Workers who are exposed to high levels of noise can suffer permanent hearing loss and then sometimes not even surgery or a hearing aid can help.

Long Version - 6 pages

Long Version - 6 pages

Short Version - 2 pages

Short Version - 2 pages



Quiz and Answer Sheet

Quiz and Answer Sheet

Fast Version - 1 page

Fast Version - 1 page



Noise Exposure Checklist

Noise Exposure Checklist

Hearing Protection A, Industry

Blank Sign-in Sheet

Resources & References

Standards or Regulations
Weeklysafety.com exclusive safety meeting topic that reviews important tips to using personal protective equipment (PPE) for hearing protection, like ear plugs or ear muffs, to prevent hearing loss.