Home Fire Safety

Smoke alarms are a key part of a home fire evacuation plan, and they should be installed and maintained in every home. This safety topic reviews why smoke alarms are so important, where and how they should be installed, how to make a home escape plan, what to do if there is a fire in the home, recommendations on fire extinguisher use, and other useful home fire safety tips.

Long Version - 6 pages

Long Version - 6 pages

Short Version - 2 pages

Short Version - 2 pages



Quiz and Answer Sheet

Quiz and Answer Sheet

Fast Version - 1 page

Fast Version - 1 page



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Resources & References

Standards or Regulations
Weeklysafety.com exclusive bonus home and holiday safety meeting topic that reviews why smoke alarms are so important, where and how they should be installed, how to make a home escape plan, what to do if there is a fire in the home, recommendations on fire extinguisher use, and other useful home fire safety tips.