Emergency Action Plans

Workplace emergencies can happen at any company and may have the potential for severe injury to workers and even extreme property damages. Emergency Action Plans provide procedures in a workplace, so workers know what is expected and what to do in the event of an emergency. Follow the safety precautions in this safety topic to help ensure elements of a workplace emergency action plan are in place and that employees are trained on the EAP.

Long Version - 6 pages

Long Version - 6 pages

Short Version - 2 pages

Short Version - 2 pages



Quiz and Answer Sheet

Quiz and Answer Sheet

Fast Version - 1 page

Fast Version - 1 page



Emergency Planning Checklist

Emergency Planning Checklist

Emergency Action Plans, Office

Blank Sign-in Sheet

Resources & References

Standards or Regulations
Weeklysafety.com exclusive safety meeting topic for office workers that provides safety precautions to help ensure elements of a workplace emergency action plan are in place and that employees are trained.